Intense Wind and Snow Create Blizzard Conditions in Iowa 3

A powerful winter storm has hit parts of the US Midwest with strong winds and heavy snow. In Iowa, blizzard conditions left ...
A blizzard brought heavy snow to a small portion of Iowa on Wednesday as winds howled and gusted up to 60 mph. See where the ...
A video from the Iowa Department of Transportation shows the dire conditions drivers in Iowa had to endure during the blizzard Wednesday.
The Goldman Sachs alum did not endorse all the new administration’s policies.
Iowa's blizzard left cars stranded in snow on IA 141, bringing winds up to 60mph.
Much of Iowa saw measurable rainfall Tuesday prior to a blizzard sweeping the state Wednesday. Central and eastern Iowa saw the most precipitation. Rain is still falling in some eastern Iowa ...
Blizzard aftermath: Tow trucks clear vehicles on Iowa interstates as another snowstorm looms The Goldman Sachs alum did not ...
Three people have died as a powerful blizzard struck in the United States this week. A powerful storm hit much of the United ...