Oprah Winfrey and her longtime partner Stedman Graham have figured out the key to maintaining their decades-spanning ...
For as long as many of us have known Oprah, we’ve known of her longtime partner, Stedman Graham, too. The CEO of a marketing and consulting firm in Chi-town, Graham has been by the side of the ...
and through it all, she's had her partner Stedman Graham by her side ... Stedman, originally from New Jersey, is an educator, author, businessman, and public speaker. He began his career at ...
Stedman Graham believes that you need to know who ... He has written several self-help and business books, including Identity Leadership: To Lead Others You Must First Lead Yourself and Diversity ...
Stedman Graham and Oprah Winfrey have one of the most successful relationships in Hollywood. The two first started seeing one another in the late '80s after meeting at a charity event. Although ...
You know her name, you know her voice (“You get a car, and you get a car!”) and you certainly know her legacy as a talk show host, pop culture icon and one of the most influential figures of ...