Calculations show that slopes facing away from sun and towards the pole with a slope angle greater than 14 degrees will be cold enough for water-ice to accumulate in crevices or craters close to surfa ...
According to data from the Chandrayaan-3 mission, ice could be more widespread below the Moon 's surface than we thought. The ...
New findings from the Chandrayaan-3 mission indicate potential ice deposits just beneath the Moon's polar surface in more ...
Ice could be present at more locations right beneath the Moon's surface at the poles than previously thought, a study of data ...
Chandrayaan-3 data suggests Moon ice may be just centimeters below the surface, reshaping NASA's Artemis plans and boosting ...
Research from India’s Chandrayaan-3 mission reveals more widespread ice presence near the Moon’s poles than previously ...
Prestigious Space projects like “Aditya” and “Chandrayaan” are led by women, who have paved the way for women led culture in ...
Chandrayaan-3 data suggests Moon ice may be just centimeters below the surface, reshaping NASA's Artemis plans and boosting ...