One of the most important, following the example of George Washington — who, once he left office, went back to Mount Vernon ...
Billionaire Elon Musk has taken to his own social media site X to share old videos of both Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to ask a simple question about the Democratic party ...
Of five living presidents, Barack Obama has the highest favorability ratings from the American people, and it’s not even close. A recent survey by the national polling giant Gallup to determine how ...
Former President Barack Obama is coming to Clinton on April 3. He’ll speak at 7 p.m. that evening in the Margaret Bundy Scott ...
One thing that has seemingly remained unquestioned, however, is the presidency of Barack Obama ... had had preceded him — that of Bill Clinton. While Obama’s presidency was marred by inaction ...
Of the five living U.S. presidents, former President Barack Obama is the most popular, with former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton trailing not far behind, according to the latest Gallup ...
Barack Obama has the highest favorability rating ... Trump is tied for second lowest with Bill Clinton at 48 percent, and George W. Bush ranked second with 52 percent. More Americans viewed ...
Republican George W. Bush and Democrats Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Joe Biden — and not one of them is a supporter of ...
Bush's and Barack Obama's administrations ... that about 870,000 people were deported during former President Bill Clinton's two terms. In short, immigration authorities repatriated fewer people ...
The Obama presidency, while highly regarded and beloved among Democrats, must be reexamined in order for the Democratic Party to win, as Obama's presidency was marred by inaction in the face of the ...