Star would be the first private mission to another planet and the first in over 30 years to directly measure Venus’s clouds.
A diagram of a left-handed and right-handed version of an amino acid from a meteorite. Credit: NASA illustration Some scientists considering the implications of this problem have expressed ...
So, if astrobiologists ever do find alien life with a weird chemistry that uses some liquid other than water, it's not likely to be methane, ammonia, or molten rock — but somewhere out there, alien ...
Titan's frigid lakes of methane have been a hotspot for speculation about life as we don't know it ever since NASA ... amino acids and lipids — can float around and do chemistry in pure sulfuric ...
We’ve all had those afternoons where we feel tired or down and are crying out for something that will help lift our mood. While you can’t eat or drink your way into a good mood, there are certain ...
This image, taken by NASA's Osiris-Rex probe in December 2018, shows the asteroid Bennu. Scientists have identified 14 of the 20 amino acids used by terrestrial life, as well as the five nucleic acid ...
NASA's asteroid samples contain organic compounds and minerals that may have seeded early Earth with life's building blocks.
led by Dan Glavin and Jason Dworkin of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, focused on the detection of 14 of the 20 amino acids used by life to build proteins, deepening the mystery of why life only ...
At NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field ... to get spirulina to convert the amino acid tyrosine into the drug. Arkin speculates that if they could get the microbes to make enough ...