Corporations such as Facebook, Amazon and Target have eagerly followed the president's lead. But consumer boycotts show much ...
Sound Off is an opinion forum for Mercury readers to offer brief comments on today’s news. Submissions must be 75 words or ...
Time to pay tribute to the sisters who are not trailblazers in science, politics or entertainment but are taking no more crap ...
An Episcopal all-girls school in Washington, D.C. invited its grade school students to attend an LGBTQ event, alerting ...
NCR readers respond to stories about 2025 Oscar-nominated films, "prophetic contempt" and Bishop Barron's digital silence.
As a Black American woman and an educator, I am compelled to examine the forces that led to Donald Trump's 2024 victory and ...
As Lent began, Catholic women frustrated over being disenfranchised by the church despite promises of greater recognition are ...
Michigan Rep. Lisa McClain claimed Americans want "progress and transparency" over "perfection" during a CNN interview on ...
Michigan Rep. Lisa McClain claimed Americans want "progress and transparency" over "perfection" during a CNN interview on ...
America needs men and women of God who will boldly stand for biblical truth, regardless of political consequences.