生活中心/綜合報導隨著「冬至」即將到來,不少民眾除了禦寒外,也會吃湯圓暖身,同時象徵圓滿。民俗專家楊登嵙表示「冬至」俗稱「冬節」、「長至節」、「亞歲」等,因為這天太陽直射南迴歸線,所以北半球白天最短,黑夜最長。過了冬至後,日光照射北移,白天愈來愈長, ...
A government shutdown will set in at midnight if Congress doesn't come up with a bipartisan deal. Keep up with the USA TODAY ...
The House voted on Friday to pass a stopgap funding bill in a bid to avert a shutdown just hours before a midnight deadline.
The IRS said it's sending out checks worth up to $1,400 to 1 million people. Here's what to know about the "special payments.
[周刊王CTWANT] 今天(12月21日)迎來冬至!清水孟國際塔羅小孟老師也點名「4星座」冬至一到,財運立刻彈升,其中天秤座迎來正財大旺的1週,而天蠍座物慾則特別強烈,建議多的資金不妨拿去學習如何投資理財。
At least two people were killed, including a small child, and more than 60 were injured when a car plowed through a crowded ...
A Dayton man who tried to get an elementary school to evacuate by lying about a 5-year-old having a firearm in his backpack was sentenced to probation. Caleb Malik Murphy Sr., 24, pleaded guilty ...
The House passed a short-term plan to keep the government’s doors open until President-elect Donald Trump takes office, but ...
立法院昨(20)日排審《選罷法》、《憲訴法》以及《財劃法》等3大爭議法案,期間不僅朝野在議場發生肉搏衝突,院外也有大量不滿民眾聚集抗議。對此,律師林智群也在臉書貼出國民黨今(2024)年不分區立委選舉政見,認為選舉時講得很好聽,說要推民生法案,「結果 ...
台中全聯倉儲大火本月19日一口氣奪走9條人命,檢警針對此案一口氣找來100人釐清案情,最新消息指出,現場藍姓總負責人以60萬元交保、陳姓主任工程師40萬、陳姓工程行負責人20萬、陳姓工程行員工10萬、黃姓工程行員工5萬,5人皆改列過失致死、過失傷害被 ...
The commutations were separate from the over 1,000 people whose sentences the U.S. president commuted on Dec. 12, 2024.
The Senate on Friday confirmed Biden's 235th lifetime federal judge — one more than Trump appointed during his first term in ...