Mr. Wingrove is a press secretary for Republican lawmakers in the Michigan House of Representatives. The First Amendment can always use another ally. Some if its best friends put themselves at risk a ...
Cody J. Foster is a Ph.D. candidate in history at the University of Kentucky. He can be found here on twitter: @codyjfoster 1896 lithograph A house divided reunited to remove the Confederate flag from ...
Every year the American Historical Association and the Organization of American Historians elect new leaders. Winners are announced in the monthly and quarterly newsletters, but the precise ...
Gerard Koeppel is the author of: Bond of Union: Building the Erie Canal and the American Empire (Da Capo, 2009) The iconic Erie Canal is one of those pieces of Americana that exists today largely in ...
Mr. Small is a professor of history at Wayne State University and is the author of The Presidency of Richard Nixon (University Press of Kansas American Presidency Series, 1999). In 1978, as he was ...
Mr. Bischof is director of CenterAustria and a professor of American history at the University of New Orleans and co-editor (with Stephen E. Ambrose) of EISENHOWER AND THE GERMAN POWS (1992) and ...