UNESCO and SEVENTEEN launched this Global Youth Grant Scheme to provide young people with resources and skills to develop innovative solutions for positive social impact.
Los Geoparques Mundiales de la UNESCO List of geoparks & networks Submit a geopark proposal Revalidation, extension and renaming New applications Logo Information for site evaluators Governance ...
UNESCO, in partnership with the Government of South Africa proposed the African Institute in Indigenous Knowledge Systems (AIIKS) for Category 2 Institutes and Centres under auspices of UNESCO to ...
En el corazón de la Reserva de Biosfera del Manu, uno de los lugares más biodiversos del planeta, un grupo de mujeres, jóvenes y talentosas, está marcando la diferencia en el campo de la ciencia y la ...
In the heart of the Manu Biosphere Reserve, one of the most biodiverse places on the planet, a group of young and talented women are making a difference in the field of science and conservation.
Norma Mamani is a biologist born in Sicuani (Cusco - Peru) whose love for nature and plants led her to devote herself to botany. “I feel very happy. I know I still have a lot to learn, but I feel ...