GLP-1 agonists like Ozempic, Trulicity, Mounjaro, Victoza, Wegovy started as a way to treat diabetes but have since become popular for weight loss.
Discover the unexpected health benefits of diabetes and weight loss medications like Ozempic and Wegovy. Find out how these ...
The analysis of medical image data can be improved by artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, latest research has claimed. A new study presented at the international competition AutoPET revealed that ...
President Donald Trump talks to the media at a public press event following the RNC debate in Houston, Texas in February 2016. Picture: Stock_photo_world/Shutterstock ...
According to the Company, the generic product will launch immediately. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Liraglutide Injection, the first generic version of Victoza ®. Liraglutide is ...
A newly developed weight loss pill can offer the same benefits as Ozempic but without the potentially harmful side effects of the jab, a British academic has claimed. Dr Madusha Peiris has found that ...
Novo Nordisk (NOVO) is petitioning the FDA to exclude its diabetes drug liraglutide, also known as Victoza, from a list of drugs that are allowed to be compounded. In a Citizen Petition posted on ...
Eli Lil­ly has asked to in­ter­vene in lit­i­ga­tion be­tween a com­pound­ing phar­ma­cy trade group and the FDA over the agency’s de­ci­sion to re­move Lil­ly’s block­buster … ...
No­vo Nordisk is con­tin­u­ing its cit­i­zen pe­ti­tion cru­sade at the FDA, this time aim­ing to stop the com­pound­ing of Vic­toza, its block­buster GLP-1.
To hear Novo tell it, the outsourcing group OFA shouldn’t be allowed to place liraglutide on its compounding list given that FDA-approved generics to Victoza are available. Further, the OFA has ...